Chad Stricker, a 43 year-old man from Mississippi went looking for his dog  'Nymeria' earlier this month after it had gone missing for a number of days.

Chad Stricker, a 43 year-old man from Mississippi went looking for his dog  'Nymeria' earlier this month after it had gone missing for a number of days. 

After searching for his 10-month old wolfdog for more than 6 days he found a chilling note and the collar of his lost pup inside his mailbox. 

The note read, 'I'm sorry to inform you that your dog was shot and killed Saturday night while digging through my garbage. It did not suffer and I did not take pleasure in killing It. There is a county leash law which you should abide by so that I do not have to kill any more of your pets.'

Nymeria had gone to his neighbors house where he was shot and killed while riffling through their garbage, an offense which is punishable by death in Mississippi, thought to us that seems like 'total over kill'. 

Stricker said after finding the note and collar that he, "was sick to my stomach, to think that someone killed her while we had been out looking for her, for digging in the garbage ... An animal is not worth more than your trash or the time to make a phone call?'